Your application should be submitted by Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Click here to download Waikato Medical Research Application Form
"*" indicates required fields
1. Principal Applicant’s Contact Details
2. Supervisor details, if applicable
3. Project Summary
4. Funding Sought
Please note: the Foundation is not registered for GST.
5. First Co-applicants’ details (if applicable)
6. Second Co-applicants’ details (if applicable)
Provide sufficient detail for the Foundation’s Grants Committee to understand the nature and purpose of the investigation.
Provide a brief review of relevant published or completed research to show the significance of the project (and how it relates to previous or ongoing work by the investigators), if applicable. Minimise the use of abbreviations and provide an abbreviation key if abbreviations are used. As appropriate, include relevance or impact of current issue for Māori.
State the principal research questions/hypotheses and aims/objectives.
Describe the main methods to be used to achieve the aims of the project. Include information on goals and strategies for participation of Māori in this project. Outline specific measures that will be undertaken to strengthen health advancement for Māori participants or Māori communities.
Describe the analysis plan for the project in sufficient detail that the Grants Committee can assess the appropriateness of the intended analyses and statistical methods. Sample size calculations should be included where relevant to demonstrate the adequacy of subject numbers.
Describe the potential impact of the project on health outcomes, healthcare delivery and workforce development. Outline specific benefits to the Waikato region. Include information on potential advancement of Māori health, or improvements in equity that are expected from the project
Describe how you plan to disseminate the results.
State the estimated start and completion dates of the project and its components.
Institutional support available (provide details under the following headings)
Note: Applicants should ensure that they have the support of their institution and that the necessary space, facilities, insurance cover, maintenance, services and technical assistance are available. Confirmation of this by the Head of Department in the relevant Institution guaranteeing these requirements is required, either in Section E or as a separate letter attached to the application.
Ethical Approval
All successful applications involving human and animal subjects must seek Ethical Approval. This approval is not required on application, but is required to complete grant funding requirements. Ethics Approval must be obtained within six months of the grant being awarded, after which time the grant may be withdrawn.
A copy of this approval should be forwarded to the administrator to complete the Grant requirements prior to funds being released. For human subjects, online HEDC applications are made at
Provide a detailed budget with full supporting documentation, calculations and the period of expenditure. Grant support is usually limited to 12 months, but a longer period (up to 2 years maximum) may be granted at the discretion of the Trustees if clearly justified below.
Suggested headings are given below, but some categories may not be relevant to your project. Lack of justification will result in a reduced overall score.
If you are only applying for part-funding from WMRF, clearly identify what is being paid by other sources.
Note: The Foundation does not support major capital items, including equipment, exceeding $5,000.
Please use the New Zealand MSI standard Curriculum Vitae Template. All of Part 1 and Part 2a should be completed. The total CV should not exceed 5 pages (2 pages for Part 1 and 3 pages for Part 2a).
Please click here to download the template . Once completed, please upload it using the following button.
Certification that the Director/Head of Department or relevant controlling officer, has agreed that the work may be undertaken in the applicant's institution.
Please click here to download the certification template . Once completed, please upload it using the following button.