We’re proud to be making a difference to the Waikato’s medical research community. Join us in supporting and promoting the careers of local researchers at the forefront of life-saving discoveries.
Donations to the Waikato Medical Research Foundation Fund generate income that supports the work of emerging health researchers.
All donations are gratefully received and will be receipted with many thanks.
Bank account number: 03-0306-0208170-001
Waikato Medical Research Foundation
Westpac Appeal Account
Please use the contact form to advise us of your donation so that we can receipt you correctly.
You may wish help us to help others with a bequest to the Foundation – that is, by leaving a gift or donation in your will.
By making a bequest, you can be confident in the continued care of your community.
Why make a bequest to the Medical Research Foundation?
The Foundation needs your support. As a Registered Charitable Trust, the Trust Deed has been written specifically to encompass the aims and objectives we see as vital to the long-term future of the Foundation. Bequests, legacies and other donated funds are invested wisely toward our Research Fund account, which will produce income to preserve and grow the activities form the base of the Foundation’s activities within the Waikato region.
How do I make a bequest?
If you have a Will, you need to make an amendment called a Codicil. It should not cost you anything to add a Codicil to your Will. Contact your solicitor, or person who handles your legal affairs, and they will add it for you. A bequest that is not in your Will is unlikely to be valid.
What would the Foundation use my bequest for?
By leaving a bequest in your Will, you will help us fund vital local medical research. The preferred language is “for the general purposes of the Waikato Medical Research Foundation.” However, your bequest will be used according to your wishes. For instance, if you stipulate that it must be used in a particular area of the Foundation’s work, we will honour your request.
Do you want to know if I have remembered the Foundation in my Will?
Yes, those who have left a bequest to the Foundation are special to us! They are the people who we know have an interest in our future and we like to keep these people at the forefront of our future plans.
So if you plan to include the Foundation in your Will, please tell us about it! If we know about your bequest, we can thank you personally and keep you up-to-date with our progress.
Do you need more information from us?
If you would like to make a bequest in a way that is special to you, or that we have not mentioned above, or if you have a general inquiry about making a bequest, please contact us at: admin@wmrf.org.nz
Thank you.
Setting up a regular donation can be an easy process when using Payroll Giving. Each time you are paid by your employer, your donation will be made directly to the Waikato Medical Research Foundation.
Payroll giving is administered through the online PAYE tax system, so we recommend checking with your employer to see if they are set up for this.
All donations over $5 qualify for an immediate 33.33% tax rebate each payday. You will not need to wait until the end of the year to claim your tax credit, as you will receive it each time your donation is processed with your pay.
Contact the Foundation for more information.
Sponsoring or providing a donation via your company can provide benefits towards meaningful projects.
Benefits can include alignment of your company values with research being undertaken in the Waikato that can benefit the global community.
The Foundation works hard to ensure all corporate supporters are kept well informed and supported to ensure a return on their sponsorship investment.
Contact the Foundation for more information.